Whether you’re someone who diligently sets and follows your New Years’ Resolutions (apparently those types of people do exist) or are looking to play a little catch-up before the holiday hustle, here are some tips on your financial and personal wellness on a high note:
Declutter your Mental and Physical Space
With the season of giving and gathering fast approaching, now is an excellent time to free up some brain (and closet) space. You can shred old mail, clean out the dreaded email inbox, and unsubscribe from email lists that you no longer need to be a part of. It’s also a good time to donate excess clothes, toys, and household items; there are always people in need, especially around the holidays. Purge expired items from your fridge and medicine cabinet also may help you feel refreshed and organized for the new year.
Double Down on Security
It seems like everything these days requires a new login and password. These are not only mentally cluttering, but also a potential security risk. If you’re like me, you may have many places—some more secure than others—where you’re scribbling down this information in the hopes you will remember it later. Take this time to update your passwords and find a safe haven for them. Norton has tips for setting and keeping passwords – how to store passwords.
Review and Capitalize on your Health Care Plan
Have you already met your deductible for the year? If so, is there anything else you could take advantage of before your out-of-pocket amount resets? Perhaps you still have another dental or eye exam on your plan, or still have a balance on your Flexible Spending Account. This is also an optimal time to review your current healthcare coverage and see if you need to make changes before enrolling for next year. And, if you’re enrolled in a Health Savings Account, check on your year-to-date contributions to see if you can maximize your savings before the next tax deadline.
Set Yourself up for Success in 2024
Why wait until January to get started on your 2024 goals? Check some items off your list now to feel confident and in control for the New Year:
- Boost your retirement savings. You likely won’t miss an extra 1-2% that can go into your 401(k).
- Tidy up your taxes. There’s still time before the end of the year to take advantage of some key tax tips and maximize your savings for this year and beyond.
- Set a budget.
- Check on your beneficiary designations and think about revisiting your estate plan if you haven’t in the last four or five years.
~ Financial Advisor, Jessie Schlanderer
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