Business owners are always keeping multiple balls in the air. Thinking about exceptional execution today, while keeping an eye on their vision for the future. With that in mind, we recommend that business owners consider both formal and informal processes to understand the value of their business. Why? Whether you are ready to formally think about what happens to your business when you are ready to retire or not, the practice of completing a business valuation and understanding the levers that will increase its value over time helps you to slow down and think strategically about your business. We’ve attached a self-valuation tool that helps you begin to think about the things a formal business valuation will cover. The tool can also be used across your business’ owners / leaders. Complete the tool independently and then share your thinking with one another. You may find opportunities to capitalize on or identify major weaknesses or threats that you can collectively address. Completing a formal valuation with outside experts in your industry, on a periodic basis, will also clarify the unique value your business has over others in the industry, and any areas you may want to shore up to increase the company’s value in the future.
We spend a lot of time working with clients who are business owners. It is one of our favorite planning areas. As a result, we have built up a network of other professionals (i.e., CPAs, attorneys, consultants, etc.) who also serve business owners. With the strong resources of Raymond James, we can offer both experience, expertise, and tools for business owners across many industries. Be sure we talk about your business next time we meet and how we can be of service to you. Especially if you are thinking of selling your business in the next 5 years.
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