
Educational blogs from SWMG center around the fundamentals of investing and finance.

Financial and Personal Wellness

Whether you’re someone who diligently sets and follows your New Years’ Resolutions (apparently those types of people do exist) or are looking to play a little catch-up before the holiday hustle, here are some tips on your financial and personal wellness  on a high note: Declutter your Mental and Physical Space With the season of …

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Social Security Updates

It sometimes seems like the landscape is always changing with Social Security. Let’s start with some good news – the approved 2024 cost of living increase is 3.2%. This is compared to the 8.7% boost that occurred this year (2023). On average, retirees will receive a $50 per month increase in social security retirement benefits. …

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Economic & Market Update

It has been a generally positive year for the stock market. Most analysts had entered the year forecasting a recession, but our economic and market updates show that the economy has been fairly strong overall as consumers have continued spending. Much of the gains this year can be attributed to a handful of large technology …

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Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning: Look Beyond Your Financials Retirement is supposed to be fun, right? It’s the prize for your hard work and dedication to your job, family, community, and more. Then why might the idea of or your actual retirement sometimes feel a little bit terrible? You and various members of our team have worked together …

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Navigating Medicare

What is Medicare? Medicare – a most common topic of discussion among those age 65 and older. Why? Medicare can be complicated.  People often use the advice and lessons learned from others to support their own decisions. We think it is important for you to have the best plan available for your personal healthcare and …

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6 Mistakes Snowbirds Make

With all the excitement associated with becoming a snowbird or buying a second home, important details can be missed. Our hope is to help you save time, and possibly money, by learning 6 mistakes snowbirds make. Nearly half of our clients live the snowbird lifestyle. Thus, we have a lot of data and conversations to …

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Business Owners

Increase Your Retirement Savings “As a business owner, how can I save more for retirement while mitigating taxes?” Business owners grapple with this question often. We know that business owners focus on reinvesting profits back into the growth of their business. And, while this is a great practice, it can mean that individual retirement savings …

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How We Save Your Tax Dollars

Tax Efficiency 101 – How We Save Your Tax Dollars One of the things that we pride ourselves on is our work with clients on tax efficiency. What do we mean by that? Globally speaking, something is “tax-efficient” if it is taxed at a lower rate than an alternative. Basically, tax efficiency refers to doing …

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Financial Planning for Business Owners

As many of you know, I have been a business owner for more than 30 years. Working with fellow business owners is one of my passions – and having a financial planner as an integral part of your advisory team has many benefits. Advisors who have a depth of knowledge in financial planning are a …

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Buying Waterfront Property?

Waterfront property

Thinking about buying waterfront property? A second home….and really hoping you can enjoy the view of a pristine lake or the soothing sound of ocean waves? Read on to gain insights on how best to prepare for home ownership on water. Important Considerations for Buying Waterfront Property Access to the water: What type of waterfront …

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